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... more about "Process"
Lowercase display titleInternal property that stores the lowercase version of Display_title_of to enable case insensitive search 
process +
Normalized display titleInternal property that stores the lowercase version of Display_title_of with all non-alphanumeric chars removed to enable a normalized search 
process +
Members of the Process Category describe the act of changing the state or properties of something (en) +  and Prozesse beschreiben den Akt des Änderns eines Zustandes oder der Eigenschaften von etwas. (de) +
LabelMulti-language label 
Process (en) +  and Prozess (de) +
HasNameThe alpha-numeric label in English
Process +
Normalized labelProperty that stores the lowercase version of HasLabel with all non-alphanumeric chars removed to enable a normalized search 
process (en) +  and prozess (de) +
OSW-IDConsists of a namespace, the prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters. Subobjects extend the OSW-ID of their parent with and Hash-Char followed by their own ID (prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters) 
Category:OSWe5aa96bffb1c4d95be7fbd46142ad203 +
HasTypeLinks an instance/individual with a class
e5aa96bf-fb1c-4d95-be7f-bd46142ad203 +
SubClassOfLinks as superclass with its subclass
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