Information for "Category:OSWb97757b46edb430591758662c18d354d"

Category page

Basic information

Display titleEvent
Default sort keyOSWb97757b46edb430591758662c18d354d
Page length (in bytes)0
Page ID1276
Page content languageen - English
Page content modelwikitext
Indexing by robotsAllowed
Number of redirects to this page0

Category information

Total number of members1
Number of pages0
Number of subcategories1
Number of files0

Page protection

EditAllow all users (infinite)
MoveAllow all users (infinite)
View the protection log for this page.

Edit history

Page creatorMaintenance script (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation15:32, 20 February 2025
Latest editorMaintenance script (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit15:32, 20 February 2025
Total number of edits1
Total number of distinct authors1
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)1
Recent number of distinct authors1

Page properties

Transcluded templates (10)

Templates used on this page:

... more about "Event"
Lowercase display titleInternal property that stores the lowercase version of Display_title_of to enable case insensitive search 
event +
Normalized display titleInternal property that stores the lowercase version of Display_title_of with all non-alphanumeric chars removed to enable a normalized search 
event +
Something that happens or takes place, esp. something significant or noteworthy; an incident, an occurrence (according to Oxford English Dictionary). (en) +  and Etwas, das geschieht oder stattfindet, insbesondere etwas Bedeutendes oder Bemerkenswertes; ein Ereignis, ein Vorfall. (de) +
LabelMulti-language label 
Event (en) +  and Ereignis (de) +
HasNameThe alpha-numeric label in English
Event +
Normalized labelProperty that stores the lowercase version of HasLabel with all non-alphanumeric chars removed to enable a normalized search 
event (en) +  and ereignis (de) +
OSW-IDConsists of a namespace, the prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters. Subobjects extend the OSW-ID of their parent with and Hash-Char followed by their own ID (prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters) 
Category:OSWb97757b46edb430591758662c18d354d +
HasTypeLinks an instance/individual with a class
b97757b4-6edb-4305-9175-8662c18d354d +
SubClassOfLinks as superclass with its subclass
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