Category:OSW3d238d05316e45a4ac95a11d7b24e36b /
for UUID generation via uuid5
- General (same as UUID of the category page): 3d238d05-316e-45a4-ac95-a11d7b24e36b
- FhG: ac5eecda-acca-513a-8e66-14462b59c5ee
type | |
subclass_of | |
uuid | "3d238d05-316e-45a4-ac95-a11d7b24e36b" |
name | "Location" |
label | |
text | "Örtlichkeit" |
lang | "de" |
description | text | "A location. Entities that have a somewhat fixed, physical extension." |
lang | "en" |
text | "Eine Örtlichkeit. Entitaeten, die eine mehr oder weniger feste, physische Ausdehnung haben." |
lang | "de" |
instance_rdf_type | |
utf8_icon | |
@context | city | @id | "Property:HasCity" |
@type | "@id" |
city* | @id | "schema:containedInPlace" |
@type | "@id" |
city** | @id | "Property:IsLocatedIn" |
@type | "@id" |
country | @id | "schema:addressCountry" |
@type | "@id" |
country* | @id | "Property:HasCountry" |
@type | "@id" |
gps_coordinates | @id | "schema:geo" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
gps_coordinates* | @id | "Property:HasGpsCoordinates" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
house_no | @id | "Property:HasHouseNo" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
latitude | @id | "schema:latitude" |
@type | "xsd:float" |
located_in | @id | "schema:containedInPlace" |
@type | "@id" |
located_in* | @id | "Property:IsLocatedIn" |
@type | "@id" |
longitude | @id | "schema:longitude" |
@type | "xsd:float" |
longitude* | @id | "Property:HasLongitude" |
@type | "xsd:float" |
postal_address | @id | "schema:addressCountry" |
@type | "@id" |
postal_address* | @id | "Property:HasPostalAddress" |
@type | "@id" |
postal_code | @id | "schema:postalCode" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
postal_code* | @id | "Property:HasPostalCode" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
post_office_box_no | @id | "schema:postOfficeBoxNumer" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
post_office_box_no* | @id | "Property:HasPoBoxNo" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
region | @id | "schema:addressRegion" |
@type | "@id" |
region* | @id | "Property:HasRegion" |
@type | "@id" |
state | @id | "schema:addressCountry" |
@type | "@id" |
state* | @id | "Property:HasState" |
@type | "@id" |
street_name | @id | "Property:HasStreet" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
"/wiki/Category:Item?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
allOf | $ref | "/wiki/Category:Item?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
type | "object" |
title | "Location" |
uuid | "3d238d05-316e-45a4-ac95-a11d7b24e36b" |
title* | en | "Location" |
de | "Örtlichkeit" |
description | "A location. Entities that have a somewhat fixed, physical extension." |
description* | de | "Eine Örtlichkeit. Entitaeten, die eine mehr oder weniger feste, physische Ausdehnung haben." |
required | |
defaultProperties | "uuid" |
"label" |
"gps_coordinates" |
"postal_address" |
properties | type | default | "Category:OSW3d238d05316e45a4ac95a11d7b24e36b" |
postal_address | title | "Postal address" |
title* | en | "Postal address" |
de | "Postalische Adresse" |
type | "object" |
description | "" |
eval_template | type | "wikitext" |
mode | "render" |
value | "{{{street_name|}}} {{{house_no|}}}, {{{postal_code|}}} {{{city|}}}, {{{country|}}}" |
required | |
defaultProperties | "uuid" |
"street_name" |
"house_no" |
"postal_code" |
"city" |
"country" |
properties | uuid | type | "string" |
format | "uuid" |
options | |
country | title | "Country" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSW0551abcd6f734047825e3ded4c8a0ffe" |
state | title | "State" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSWab60f9a227954ee0be92344ff6272420" |
region | title | "Region" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSW95efaf34e2c7439e8e7967233910e44b" |
post_office_box_no | title | "PO box number" |
title* | en | "PO box number" |
de | "Postfach nummer" |
type | "string" |
postal_code | title | "Postal code" |
title* | en | "Postal code" |
de | "Postleitzahl" |
type | "string" |
city | title | "City" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSW807f1da5b42e42f296b213ab06ca873b" |
street_name | title | "Street" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
house_no | title | "House number" |
title* | en | "House number" |
de | "Hausnummer" |
type | "string" |
gps_coordinates | title | "GPS coordinates" |
title* | en | "GPS coordinates" |
de | "GPS Koordinaten" |
type | "object" |
eval_template | type | "wikitext" |
value | "{{{latitude|}}}, {{{longitude|}}}" |
required | |
defaultProperties | "uuid" |
"latitude" |
"longitude" |
properties | uuid | type | "string" |
format | "uuid" |
options | |
latitude | title | "Latitude" |
title* | en | "Latitude" |
de | "Breitengrad" |
type | "number" |
description | "Angular measurement ranging from 0 degree at the equator to +90 degree at the North Pole and minus 90 degree at the South Pole." |
description* | de | "Die Winkelmessung reicht von 0 Grad am Aequator bis +90 Grad am Nordpol und minus 90 Grad am Suedpol." |
default | null |
minimum | -90 |
maximum | 90 |
longitude | title | "Longitude" |
title* | en | "Longitude" |
de | "Laengengrad" |
type | "number" |
description | "Angular measurement ranging from 0 degree at the Prime Meridian to +180 degree eastward and minus 180 degree westward." |
description* | de | "Die Winkelmessung reicht von 0 Grad am Nullmeridian bis +180 Grad im Osten und minus 180 Grad im Westen." |
default | null |
minimum | -180 |
maximum | 180 |
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.