Property:OSW-ID (HasOswId)

From Onterface Dataspace
ID HasOswId
UUID a6d5a93e-35fd-46d5-a509-bfeb8746dc2a
Label OSW-ID
Machine compatible name HasOswId
Statements (outgoing)
Statements (incoming)


Consists of a namespace, the prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters. Subobjects extend the OSW-ID of their parent with and Hash-Char followed by their own ID (prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters)

nameFor properties this value is the primary identifier.<br>Definition: Entity, Property HasOswId
Data property
property_typesee<br>Definition: Property, Data property Text
text"Consists of a namespace, the prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters. Subobjects extend the OSW-ID of their parent with and Hash-Char followed by their own ID (prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters)"
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Category:OSWe2c50b1034684c1b9a5c21ad371d6381  +
Category:OSWe427aafafbac4262955b9f690a83405d  +
Category:OSWe5aa96bffb1c4d95be7fbd46142ad203  +
Category:OSWecff4345b4b049218f8d6628dc2f2f21  +
Category:OSWf0fe562f422d49c6877490b3dfee2f3f  +
Category:OSWf62d07b325124027b82fbec0a7b852df  +
Category:OSWfa0d5710bc0f45819b61b65fc4fd9656  +
Category:OSWfe3e842b804445c7bb0dd8ee61da2d70  +
Category:OSWfe72974590fd4e8ba94cd4e8366375e8  +
Category:OSWff333fd349af4f65a69100405a9e60c7  +
Category:ObjectProperty  +
Category:Property  +
Category:QuantityProperty  +
File:OSW04045954a299456bbf63f9b89062cbc5.png  +
File:OSW111ec30fd55d478eafdba470859829c8.png  +
File:OSW1ba91dbaca30409db7aaf1f8504309cf.png  +
File:OSW20ea5507923c41c8a1d5bec5d1f3efd9.png  +
File:OSW216c91ab884945c38bd918a0ad2a94a5.mp4  +
File:OSW23d5cc3161c143cdb4e143f842228366.png  +
File:OSW23f3dc0e8c4a4885b01c1e3199c82186.png  +
... more about "HasOswId"
Lowercase display titleInternal property that stores the lowercase version of Display_title_of to enable case insensitive search 
hasoswid +
Normalized display titleInternal property that stores the lowercase version of Display_title_of with all non-alphanumeric chars removed to enable a normalized search 
hasoswid +
Consists of a namespace, the prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters. Subobjects extend the OSW-ID of their parent with and Hash-Char followed by their own ID (prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters) (en) +
LabelMulti-language label 
OSW-ID (en) +
HasNameThe alpha-numeric label in English
HasOswId +
Normalized labelProperty that stores the lowercase version of HasLabel with all non-alphanumeric chars removed to enable a normalized search 
oswid (en) +
OSW-IDConsists of a namespace, the prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters. Subobjects extend the OSW-ID of their parent with and Hash-Char followed by their own ID (prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters) 
Property:HasOswId +
HasTypeLinks an instance/individual with a class
a6d5a93e-35fd-46d5-a509-bfeb8746dc2a +
Property description"Property description" is a predefined property that allows to describe a property in context of a language and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
Consists of a namespace, the prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters. Subobjects extend the OSW-ID of their parent with and Hash-Char followed by their own ID (prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters) (en) +
Preferred property label"Preferred property label" is a declarative predefined property to specify a preferred property label and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
OSW-ID (en) +
Has type"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
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