
From Onterface Dataspace
ID HasDescription
UUID 2112e551-2c06-4e1c-95bc-894d652cdbab
Label HasDescription
Machine compatible name HasDescription
Statements (outgoing)
Statements (incoming)


No description found
nameFor properties this value is the primary identifier.<br>Definition: Entity, Property HasDescription
ontology_irie. g. from<br>Definition: Property
property_typesee<br>Definition: Property, AnnotationProperty Monolingual text
property_type"Monolingual text"
Showing 9 pages using this property.
A functional or non-functional requirement (en)  +, Ein funktionales oder nicht-funktionales requirement (de)  +
Type of usage of a certain budget (en)  +, Art der Verwendung eines bestimmten Budgets (de)  +
Topic that a person or a group of persons works on (en)  +, Thema auf dem eine Person oder eine Gruppe von Personen arbeitet (de)  +
More technical and implementation aspects, but also e. g. response time (en)  +
No work is currently taking place, but the project has not yet been completed. (en)  +, Es finden aktuell keine Arbeiten statt, Projekt ist jedoch noch nicht beendet. (de)  +
Something that happens or takes place, esp. something significant or noteworthy; an incident, an occurrence (according to Oxford English Dictionary). (en)  +, Etwas, das geschieht oder stattfindet, insbesondere etwas Bedeutendes oder Bemerkenswertes; ein Ereignis, ein Vorfall. (de)  +
A recurring event, e.g., a jour fixe, a conference series (en)  +, Ein wiederkehrendes Ereignis, beispielsweise ein Jour Fixe oder eine Konferenz(serie) (de)  +
A meeting, either local, remote or hybrid. This element is intended to be used to document meetings. It is dedicated especially to notes, resolutions and tasks. For recurring meetings (series), the tasks should be managed there (en)  +, Eine Besprechung, entweder lokal, ferngesteuert oder gemischt. Dieses Element ist für die Dokumentation von Besprechungen gedacht. Es ist insbesondere für Notizen, Beschlüsse und Aufgaben vorgesehen. Bei wiederkehrenden Besprechungen (Serien) sollten die Aufgaben dort verwaltet werden (de)  +
A recurring meeting, e.g., a jour fixe (en)  +, Ein wiederkehrendes Treffen, z. B. ein Jour Fixe (de)  +

Showing 10 related entities (more are available).

... more about "HasDescription"
Lowercase display titleInternal property that stores the lowercase version of Display_title_of to enable case insensitive search 
hasdescription +
Normalized display titleInternal property that stores the lowercase version of Display_title_of with all non-alphanumeric chars removed to enable a normalized search 
hasdescription +
LabelMulti-language label 
HasDescription (en) +
HasNameThe alpha-numeric label in English
HasDescription +
Normalized labelProperty that stores the lowercase version of HasLabel with all non-alphanumeric chars removed to enable a normalized search 
hasdescription (en) +
OSW-IDConsists of a namespace, the prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters. Subobjects extend the OSW-ID of their parent with and Hash-Char followed by their own ID (prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters) 
Property:HasDescription +
HasTypeLinks an instance/individual with a class
2112e551-2c06-4e1c-95bc-894d652cdbab +
Preferred property label"Preferred property label" is a declarative predefined property to specify a preferred property label and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
HasDescription (en) +
Has type"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
Equivalent URI"Equivalent URI" is a type and predefined property provided by Semantic MediaWiki to represent URI/URL values.
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