Property:OSW-ID (HasOswId)

From Onterface Dataspace
ID HasOswId
UUID a6d5a93e-35fd-46d5-a509-bfeb8746dc2a
Label OSW-ID
Machine compatible name HasOswId
Statements (outgoing)
Statements (incoming)


Consists of a namespace, the prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters. Subobjects extend the OSW-ID of their parent with and Hash-Char followed by their own ID (prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters)

nameFor properties this value is the primary identifier.<br>Definition: Entity, Property HasOswId
Data property
property_typesee<br>Definition: Property, Data property Text
text"Consists of a namespace, the prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters. Subobjects extend the OSW-ID of their parent with and Hash-Char followed by their own ID (prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters)"
Showing 20 pages using this property.
File:OSW3815f6938a6341dfabed1899a4ca21b7.png  +
File:OSW3920595861f6418f8579bc1f139fe0a7.png  +
File:OSW3a9aa4e217f24a50950046538ad24265.png  +
File:OSW409dd48c912a4a90b79c7f86a5c49b21.png  +
File:OSW42810afa240a4b9ab02cc37e5951362e.png  +
File:OSW4bddaeb354364b98a396ef0350b4cd08.png  +
File:OSW528141c1265242828f3c18cd8952fa9e.png  +
File:OSW5dbb9fa3b4434f639b4710becefec7e4.png  +
File:OSW63ad34fda8dc45858edea868d1674074.png  +
File:OSW657784daa62d4e60abc6b072d6632721.png  +
File:OSW6a28cc7f9c01451f9eaf27678adc07c3.png  +
File:OSW6ee5221b33e444458e4e60b935560de0.png  +
File:OSW7c34f048901b403fb53068c6f2a39f3d.png  +
File:OSW8121ce3108094327913f6cf8c85ba4e2.png  +
File:OSW886772d179684b50b3a46693cbf1946d.mp4  +
File:OSW8d19052eabd540ce8626bdc8f43f38c2.png  +
File:OSW9845cb7a5e12486f8cbc8fc80ad6b4db.mp4  +
File:OSWd18207c4c5374de2abb1a22b7fa2f36e.png  +
File:OSWd33c9f1b89bf4b51b6fd9c3bcae0bc6b.drawio.svg  +
File:OSWdcf0b1a277184943a7856b53408d7ea6.mp4  +
... more about "HasOswId"
Lowercase display titleInternal property that stores the lowercase version of Display_title_of to enable case insensitive search 
hasoswid +
Normalized display titleInternal property that stores the lowercase version of Display_title_of with all non-alphanumeric chars removed to enable a normalized search 
hasoswid +
Consists of a namespace, the prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters. Subobjects extend the OSW-ID of their parent with and Hash-Char followed by their own ID (prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters) (en) +
LabelMulti-language label 
OSW-ID (en) +
HasNameThe alpha-numeric label in English
HasOswId +
Normalized labelProperty that stores the lowercase version of HasLabel with all non-alphanumeric chars removed to enable a normalized search 
oswid (en) +
OSW-IDConsists of a namespace, the prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters. Subobjects extend the OSW-ID of their parent with and Hash-Char followed by their own ID (prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters) 
Property:HasOswId +
HasTypeLinks an instance/individual with a class
a6d5a93e-35fd-46d5-a509-bfeb8746dc2a +
Property description"Property description" is a predefined property that allows to describe a property in context of a language and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
Consists of a namespace, the prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters. Subobjects extend the OSW-ID of their parent with and Hash-Char followed by their own ID (prefix OSW and an UUID without any delimiters) (en) +
Preferred property label"Preferred property label" is a declarative predefined property to specify a preferred property label and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
OSW-ID (en) +
Has type"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
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