Category:OSW553f78cc66194ae1873241207b906c4b /
| Creator / ORCIDThis property is a special property in this wiki. | EnergyDensityEnergy density is defined as energy per unit volume.⠉ | Workflow⠉ |
Matthias Model 2 | User:0000-0001-7620-1245 | 903.296 Wh/l3,251,864,599.691 J/m³ <br />903,293.193 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo Simulation Zenodo Publisher |
Demo OSW Atinary | User:Dpacheco | | BattMo-Atinary Optimization |
Zenodo Test | User:Simon Stier | | Zenodo Publisher |
My model | User:Dpacheco | 906.996 Wh/l3,265,186,074.317 J/m³ <br />906,993.592 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo Simulation |
sample geometruy | User:Dpacheco | 868.514 Wh/l3,126,649,253.968 J/m³ <br />868,511.25 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo-Atinary Optimization |
HdfTest | User:Simon Stier | 969.671 Wh/l3,490,816,653.631 J/m³ <br />969,668.578 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo-Atinary Optimization |
My battery cell | User:Simon Stier | 906.996 Wh/l3,265,186,074.317 J/m³ <br />906,993.592 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo Simulation Zenodo Publisher |
Ph + L Test | User:Lukas Gold | 906.996 Wh/l3,265,186,074.317 J/m³ <br />906,993.592 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo Simulation |
My Battery | User:Simon Stier | 906.996 Wh/l3,265,186,074.317 J/m³ <br />906,993.592 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo Simulation Zenodo Publisher BattMo Simulation |
My optimized model | User:Dpacheco | 985.44 Wh/l3,547,582,645.484 J/m³ <br />985,436.865 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo-Atinary Optimization Zenodo Publisher |
My model Atinary | User:Dpacheco | 985.44 Wh/l3,547,582,645.484 J/m³ <br />985,436.865 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo-Atinary Optimization BattMo-Atinary Optimization |
My test model | User:0000-0003-0410-3616 | 907.018 Wh/l3,265,265,504.078 J/m³ <br />907,015.656 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo Simulation BIG-MAP Archive Publisher |
Matthias Model | User:0000-0001-7620-1245 | 823.153 Wh/l2,963,351,524.863 J/m³ <br />823,150.897 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo Simulation |
My Model | User:Simon Stier | 969.671 Wh/l3,490,816,653.631 J/m³ <br />969,668.578 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo Simulation Zenodo Publisher BattMo-Atinary Optimization |
My test model | User:Simon Stier | 906.996 Wh/l3,265,186,074.317 J/m³ <br />906,993.592 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo Simulation BIG-MAP Archive Publisher |
Video Model | User:0000-0001-7620-1245 | 873.707 Wh/l3,145,344,645.439 J/m³ <br />873,704.4 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo Simulation Zenodo Publisher |
OSWeacd38a673044e97b02a565e2f4a98a8 | User:Admin | 906.996 Wh/l3,265,186,074.317 J/m³ <br />906,993.592 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo Simulation |
Vorführung IT | User:Lukas Gold | 893.775 Wh/l3,217,590,506.77 J/m³ <br />893,772.638 Wh/m³ <br /> | BattMo Simulation |
type | "Category:OSWecff4345b4b049218f8d6628dc2f2f21" |
subclass_of | "Category:OSW8e511130cecf4d7fa4177c9c65904fc1" |
submodels | uuid | "498dea32-acbf-4b7c-96e2-73aeb012ba93" |
name | "geometry" |
parameters | uuid | "547162ea-d81c-447d-b906-438bdbdb7fb5" |
name | "faceArea" |
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default | "0.001" |
uuid | "29db8922-f3a4-44f0-8842-162d8ab90a87" |
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default | "1D" |
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name | "Electrolyte" |
parameters | |
submodels | uuid | "0eedb2c1-59de-44c5-9f9b-a14a3cdef6ee" |
name | "Separator" |
parameters | uuid | "6b86e018-0298-4613-877a-624a363a4110" |
name | "thickness" |
type | "number" |
default | "1.5e-05" |
submodels | |
uuid | "a7b74099-1bbe-420c-befb-594605f88619" |
name | "NegativeElectrode" |
parameters | |
submodels | uuid | "686e0d80-de3b-4e81-ba6a-8d7d8f003dea" |
name | "ActiveMaterial" |
parameters | uuid | "9c4b851f-5953-4023-9c80-80ee65111a23" |
name | "thickness" |
type | "number" |
default | "6.4e-05" |
submodels | |
uuid | "6e5ddc3d-ca5b-462f-928f-0710694712ac" |
name | "PositiveElectrode" |
parameters | |
submodels | uuid | "b10c856a-af37-45a7-af45-52461c464319" |
name | "ActiveMaterial" |
parameters | uuid | "6ac4f320-680e-4939-8b42-eca4796a152b" |
name | "thickness" |
type | "number" |
default | "5.7e-05" |
submodels | |
uuid | "eb6867d7-dc6f-4099-a90c-faab6cefca3d" |
name | "performance" |
parameters | uuid | "279df7ee-cbb3-4c73-bbf1-a469c89dd57d" |
name | "energyDensity" |
type | "number" |
default | "" |
submodels | |
utf8_icon | |
uuid | "553f78cc-6619-4ae1-8732-41207b906c4b" |
name | "BattmoModel" |
label | text | "BattMo Model" |
lang | "en" |
description | text | "A simulation model for [[Item:OSWe7c08b2300f04d0bbb0a55bca8838437]]" |
lang | "en" |
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workflow_runs | _@type | "@id" |
@id | "Property:HasWorkflowRuns" |
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status | @type | "@id" |
@id | "Property:HasStatus" |
doi | |
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title | "BattmoModel" |
title* | |
description | "" |
description* | |
name | "BattmoModel" |
data_source_maps_DISABLED | id | "" |
source | "" |
source_ | "" |
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request_object_map | |
label | "BattMo API" |
required | |
object_map | performance | energyDensity | "$.result.energyDensity" |
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properties | faceArea | type | "number" |
default | "0.001" |
title | "faceArea" |
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default | "1D" |
title | "format" |
Electrolyte | name | "Electrolyte" |
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default | "1.5e-05" |
title | "thickness" |
uuid | type | "string" |
format | "uuid" |
options | |
title | "Separator" |
required | |
uuid | type | "string" |
format | "uuid" |
options | |
title | "Electrolyte" |
required | |
NegativeElectrode | name | "NegativeElectrode" |
properties | ActiveMaterial | name | "ActiveMaterial" |
properties | thickness | type | "number" |
default | "6.4e-05" |
title | "thickness" |
uuid | type | "string" |
format | "uuid" |
options | |
title | "ActiveMaterial" |
required | |
uuid | type | "string" |
format | "uuid" |
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title | "NegativeElectrode" |
required | |
PositiveElectrode | name | "PositiveElectrode" |
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default | "5.7e-05" |
title | "thickness" |
uuid | type | "string" |
format | "uuid" |
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title | "ActiveMaterial" |
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uuid | type | "string" |
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title | "PositiveElectrode" |
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title* | |
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title | "Workflows" |
title* | |
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maxItems | 1 |
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title | "Workflow" |
title* | |
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options | autocomplete | category | "Category:OSW22dc1c3790974a1bb7187d7a77f7e767" |
performance | name | "performance" |
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title | "energyDensity" |
uuid | type | "string" |
format | "uuid" |
options | |
title | "performance" |
required | |
energyDensity_query_min | type | "number" |
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conditional_visible | |
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format | "uuid" |
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Pages in category "BattmoModel"
The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.