Category:OSWc5ed0ed1e33c4b31887c67af25a610c1 /
for UUID generation via uuid5
- General (same as UUID of the category page): c5ed0ed1-e33c-4b31-887c-67af25a610c1
- FhG: 0459e1a8-adbd-5f2d-a80a-70f4bfbb37a3
subclass_of | "Category:OSW3d238d05316e45a4ac95a11d7b24e36b" |
type | |
uuid | "c5ed0ed1-e33c-4b31-887c-67af25a610c1" |
label | |
name | "Room" |
instance_rdf_type | |
utf8_icon | |
@context | area | @id | "schema:floorSize" |
@type | "xsd:float" |
area* | @id | "Property:HasArea" |
@type | "xsd:float" |
construction_year | @id | "schema:yearBuilt" |
@type | "xsd:integer" |
construction_year* | @id | "Property:HasConstructionYear" |
@type | "xsd:integer" |
door_height | @id | "Property:HasDoorHeight" |
@type | "xsd:float" |
door_width | @id | "Property:HasDoorWidth" |
@type | "xsd:float" |
height | @id | "schema:height" |
@type | "xsd:float" |
height* | @id | "Property:HasHeight" |
@type | "xsd:float" |
length | @id | "Property:HasLength" |
@type | "xsd:float" |
located_in | @id | "schema:containedInPlace" |
@type | "@id" |
located_in* | @id | "Property:IsLocatedIn" |
@type | "@id" |
number | @id | "Property:HasRoomNumber" |
@type | "xsd:string" |
responsible_person | @id | "Property:HasResponsiblePerson" |
@type | "@id" |
usage | @id | "Property:HasRoomUsage" |
@type | "@id" |
usage_type | @id | "Property:HasRoomUsageType" |
@type | "@id" |
width | @id | "schema:width" |
@type | "xsd:float" |
width* | @id | "Property:HasWidth" |
@type | "xsd:float" |
"/wiki/Category:OSW3d238d05316e45a4ac95a11d7b24e36b?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
allOf | $ref | "/wiki/Category:OSW3d238d05316e45a4ac95a11d7b24e36b?action=raw&slot=jsonschema" |
title | "Room" |
type | "object" |
required | |
properties | type | default | "Category:OSWc5ed0ed1e33c4b31887c67af25a610c1" |
located_in | title | "Floor" |
title* | |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | title | "" |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSW6c4212f1a39342be963d2b9efd19c5c2" |
uniqueItems | true |
usage_type | title | "Room usage type" |
title* | en | "Room usage type" |
de | "Raumnutzungsart" |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | title | "" |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSLae92be81cdb34d22844d4791ef790d93" |
uniqueItems | true |
length | title | "Length" |
title* | |
type | "number" |
width | title | "Width" |
title* | |
type | "number" |
height | title | "Height" |
title* | |
type | "number" |
area | title | "Area" |
title* | |
type | "number" |
door_width | title | "Door width" |
title* | de | "Türbreite" |
en | "Door width" |
type | "number" |
door_height | title | "Door height" |
title* | de | "Türhöhe" |
en | "Door height" |
type | "number" |
number | title | "Number" |
title* | |
type | "string" |
usage | title | "Room usage" |
title* | en | "Room usage" |
de | "Raumnutzung" |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | title | "" |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSWac9f0e49d8024804bd7d77058322a3fe" |
uniqueItems | true |
responsible_person | title | "Responsible person" |
title* | de | "Verantwortliche Person" |
en | "Responsible person" |
type | "array" |
format | "table" |
items | title | "" |
type | "string" |
format | "autocomplete" |
range | "Category:OSWd9aa0bca9b0040d8af6f5c091bf9eec7" |
uniqueItems | true |
uuid | "c5ed0ed1-e33c-4b31-887c-67af25a610c1" |
title* | |
description | "" |
description* | |
This category currently contains no pages or media.