AnodeMass (HasAnodeMass)

From Onterface Dataspace
Property:HasAnodeMass /
Revision as of 03:16, 23 September 2022 by Maintenance script (talk | contribs) (Updated with content from Extension:SemanticProperties version 0.0.1)
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This is a property of type Quantity with display units g, mg and input units g, mg, is a subquantity of ElectrodeMass and has base quantity Mass.

 Corresponds to"Corresponds to" is a declarative predefined property to define conversion factor for some unit of a physical quantity and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
AnodeMass1 kg,kilogram,kilograms,Kilogram
1000 g ,gram,grams,Gram
1000000 mg ,milligram,milligrams,Milligram
0.001 t ,ton,tons

For the "HasDescription" annotation, the parser was unable to determine a language code (i.e. "foo@en").

... more about "AnodeMass"
Corresponds to"Corresponds to" is a declarative predefined property to define conversion factor for some unit of a physical quantity and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
1 kg,kilogram,kilograms,Kilogram +, 1000 g ,gram,grams,Gram +, 1000000 mg ,milligram,milligrams,Milligram +  and 0.001 t ,ton,tons +
Subproperty of"Subproperty of" is a declarative predefined property to define that a property is a subproperty of another and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
Has type"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
Display units"Display units" is a declarative predefined property to define units of display for numeric typed properties and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
g, mg +
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